Ensuring timely access to pharmaceuticals heavily depends on the logistics sector transporting medicines to the...
TradeTech ensures Safety, Security and Quality in Perishable Goods Transportation
Have you ever thought about the journey perishable goods take before hitting your table? Learn...
Safe transportation of dangerous goods like charcoal requires reliable IECEx certified technology
The transportation of any material - whether by rail, road, air, or sea - carries...
Transport of semi-trailers by rail is now even safer
In January 2019, a tragedy occurred on the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark when a...
Digital Twins Revolutionize Supply Chain Visibility
Digital Twin technology has already had a game-changing impact on businesses across numerous industries. What...
The New Silk Road: Explained
As the Belt and Road initiative unrolls with incredible pace, many wonder what implications it...
Why is it Time to Consider Condition-Based Maintenance?
Most companies have predetermined times set aside for maintenance. This occurs regardless of the condition...
Reducing Demurrage and Detention Costs with Integrated IoT Technology
What are the unexpected costs of globalization within the supply chain, and how can Nexxiot...
Rail Freight: Ex Safety Certification for the transportation of dangerous goods
The best way for manufacturers to develop safe devices is to follow ATEX, IECEx and...
IoT Track and Trace: Understanding Today’s Market
Technological evolution increases a user’s expectation towards IoT, supply chain solutions and industrial digitalization at...